A Black woman must work 20 months to equal the same salary that a white man earns in 12 months.
On October 26th we learned more about this topic from Dr. Crystal Francis. She gave us insight on this topic and how to help us as black woman learn how we can do things to even the playing field. –everything you need to know about this subject.
Here's a small clip of the zoom workshop.
The fight for equal pay remains a longstanding battle in this country with a lot of black women not even knowledgeable about the difference. Black women remain among those at the bottom of the wage totem pole. Studies show that, to this day, full-time Black female employees make 63 cents on white men’s dollar. White women make 79 cents on the dollar and Asian women earn 87 cents.
That wage discrepancy adds up significantly by the end of the year, causing women to lose millions of dollars in income over the course of a lifetime.
“The lost wages are resources that could support families, bolster small businesses, pay off student loans, and secure retirement.
Below are some Q&A from the workshop
Let’s use our collective power to educate, uplift, and continue to provide platforms to create and advance a unified national agenda for Black women in America.
Question #1: How can I improve the culture of workplace diversity in my organization?
Start an employee resource group. Employee resource groups (also known as ERGs or
affinity groups) are voluntary, identity-based communities formed by employees in a company.
ERGs can have various purposes, but most aim to give employees a safe space to connect and
raise awareness about issues facing their community - both within the company and society at
Question #2: What resources exist for education despite the Supreme Court ruling on “affirmative action” programs?
This ruling didn’t impact schools' ability to provide scholarships for attending elite
institutions. Schools like Suffolk Law are fighting back to make education more accessible via
free education programs for HBCU graduates.
Heading #3: How can I get unstuck in a job when many black people aren’t represented in?
Find a mentor and executive sponsor to help you move up the chain.
Heading #4: How can we address imposter syndrome in the workplace?
By challenging what it is and isn't, then understanding you are qualified, you deserve
the promotion and self-promoting your accomplishments. If you meet the basic requirements
Heading #5: How can Black women change our financial outlook when the odds are stacked against us?
Take control of your personal finance. Buy a home instead of renting, paydown all of
your debt and invest rigorously in your 401K or other retirement plans. If you can't start a
business, grow your wealth by investing. See if you qualify for the revised student loan debt
forgiveness program.
Heading #6: How can I grow as a black business owner?
Connect with SCORE and the Small Business Administration. Get certified as a
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
Heading #7: Can I get a mortgage with student loan debt?
Heading #8: What do we need collectively to change outcomes for black women?
A national agenda for Black women. One organization is working to make it a reality
and we all need to tap into this progress and join the cause and share with our networks.
Finally make sure you vote and your family votes in every single election! You vote
counts, it matters. Run for office. Join a board or commission. Decisions about Black
women’s progress are made on the policy level.
Call your Congressional Representative and tell them to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act
The Paycheck Fairness Act would eliminate loopholes in the Equal Pay Act, breaking
harmful patterns of pay discrimination and strengthening workplace protections for
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